MAP CONTROLS: Use slider or mousewheel to zoom, and hold down left mouse button
to drag.
KEY: Location markers are coloured from Green meaning exact to Red meaning
gone or unknown (details here)
Unique ID:
Added to Database:
February 2010
Last Edited:
February 2010
Type (ID):
Carro Armato M13/40 (5300)
Model (ID):
Carro Armato M15/42 (5330)
Location Category (ID):
Caserma A.L. Paglieri (5140)
Location (ID):
Caserma Paglieri (5140)
Serial Number: |
Registration: |
βRE 13031949β painted on nose (not authentic).
Name: |
Other Identification: |
Painted overall sand yellow. Novara Lancer insignia painted on nose. Tactical markings (Second Battalion Commander) painted on turret sides.
Collection Reference: |
Links: |
MILES forum β Italian MILES forum β English
References: |
Associated Tanks: |
Location History:
(see map) |
1: Fiat Ansaldo Company, Genova, Province of Genova, Liguria, Italy (Manufacturer) 2: Defence Line, Tagliamento River, Pordenone, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy (Possible source) 3: Caserma A.L. Paglieri, Codroipo, Udine, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy (Current location)
Text in original Preserved Italian Tanks publication:
[No entry]
Text in Preserved Italian Tanks Update:
[No entry]
Text in original Preserved Tanks In Italy publication:
This M15 is missing its hull machine-gun and main gun (the current gun and mantlet are fake). This could indicate that it was once buried as part of a static defence line - there was a post-War defence line along the Tagliamento river that used old M13 series tanks in this way. (Source: M. Foti). It is missing other components, such as exhausts, and is displayed mounted on a stone ramp.
December 2004
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1: Front left view
Taken: 11 December 2004 Contributor: Lanceri Novara 5 Photo ID: 2645 Added: 2 February 2010 Filename: Dig_M154... Views: 321 Select/Has Priority: 21/0
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2: Front view
Taken: 11 December 2004 Contributor: Lanceri Novara 5 Photo ID: 2646 Added: 2 February 2010 Filename: Dig_M154... Views: 380 Select/Has Priority: 21/0
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3: Front right view
Taken: 11 December 2004 Contributor: Lanceri Novara 5 Photo ID: 2647 Added: 2 February 2010 Filename: Dig_M154... Views: 279 Select/Has Priority: 21/0
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4: Right view
Taken: 11 December 2004 Contributor: Lanceri Novara 5 Photo ID: 2648 Added: 2 February 2010 Filename: Dig_M154... Views: 343 Select/Has Priority: 21/0
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