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(Model: Group A Prototypes)

Defence College of Management and Technology, Shrivenham, Britain

(Location: Defence Capability Centre – AFV wing)

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Sample Photo from Tank with UniqueID 298

Unique ID: 298
Added to Database: July 2008
Last Edited: 2 March 2016
Type (ID): Leopard (400)
Model (ID): Group A Prototypes (680)
Location Category (ID): Defence College of Management and Technology (3110)
Location (ID): Defence Capability Centre – AFV wing (3110)
Serial Number: L02.
Other Identification: “7217” painted on front right mud flap. “AFVW” (‘AFV Wing’) insignia painted on forward turret sides. Bundeswehr crosses painted on turret sides.
Collection Reference:
Links: Vehicle Record for Bovington’s Leopard
Associated Tanks:

Location History:
(see map)

1: Porsche AG, Stuttgart (Prime contractor - multiple manufacturers)
2: Directorate of Tank Design, Chertsey, Surrey, South East England, Britain (From mid 1960s)
3: Defence College of Management and Technology, Shrivenham, Oxfordshire, South East England, Britain (Current location)

This Leopard was acquired from the Military Vehicle Engineering Establishment. It is a Series III vehicle. It is believed that it may have been acquired in exchange for two Chieftains in the mid 1960s along with the Leopard displayed at Bovington Tank Museum. It was sectioned by Royal Ordnance apprentices and is now displayed with the interior open to view (source: J. Harris).

Images - Photographs and NavPix (click to expand or browse)


The Leopard at Shrivenham after being sectioned
1: The Leopard at Shrivenham after being sectioned

Taken: 1995
Contributor: J. Harris
Photo ID: 265
Added: 6 July 2008
Filename: Scan_Leo...
Views: 16068
Select/Has Priority: 1/0



November 1984

The Leopard at Shrivenham before being sectioned
2: The Leopard at Shrivenham before being sectioned

Taken: 9 November 1984
Contributor: T. Larkum
Photo ID: 234
Added: 4 July 2008
Filename: Scan_Leo...
Views: 839
Select/Has Priority: 1/0