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KEY: Location markers are coloured from Green meaning exact to Red meaning
gone or unknown (details here)
Unique ID:
Added to Database:
29 March 2014
Last Edited:
29 March 2014
Type (ID):
Ram Kangaroo (8150)
Model (ID):
Ram Kangaroo (8150)
Location Category (ID):
Canadian War Museum (8100)
Location (ID):
CWM Storage (8140)
Serial Number: |
1112 (source: Sherman Register).
Registration: |
CT-40892 (source: Sherman Register).
Name: |
Other Identification: |
Collection Reference: |
Links: |
HMVF Sherman Register MapleLeafUp
References: |
Associated Tanks: |
Location History:
(see map) |
1: Montreal Locomotive Works, Montréal, Quebec, Canada (Sole manufacturer of original tank January 1942-) 2: Rainham Marshes – London, UK (1970s-mid 1990s) 3: Staman International Trading, Nijverdal, Hellendoorn, Overijssel, The Netherlands (ca mid-1990s – Dealer identity unconfirmed) 4: Gilis Collection, Turnhout, Kempen Region, Antwerp Province, Belgium (ca mid-1990s – Dealer identity unconfirmed) 5: Canadian War Museum, LeBreton Flats, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (Current location)
Text in original Preserved Canadian Tanks publication:
[No entry]
Text in Preserved Canadian Tanks Update:
[No entry]
Text in original Preserved Tanks In Canada publication:
This Kangaroo was originally recovered from Rainham Marshes in London, UK; it was one of three tanks standing behind a rifle range in the 1970s-80s. It was the last one there in 1993. It went to a UK dealer then to a Dutch dealer then to a Belgium dealer, who traded it to the Canadian War Museum. It is awaiting restoration. (Source: H. Spoelstra/Sherman Register via HMVF). It arrived at the CWM on 9 June 2004 as a Ram tank but the turret was sitting loosely on top of the tank. The interior of the tank was painted green, the interior has a bracket for a second No.19 set, the ammo racks etc. had been removed, and the gunners seat had been removed. The tank still shows remnants of the formation symbol (171 on a green over brown field with a white bar below); this is believed to be HQ Squadron of the 1st Cdn Armd Bde. (Source: C. Law/MapleLeafUp). It was probably used by HQ Squadron of the 1st Cdn Armd Bde while it was still a tank, and was later converted into a Kangaroo after they had converted to Sherman tanks. It was listed as ‘stock’ in the ‘Ram Tanks on Canadian Census Charge’ of 28 July 1945 so most likely still a Ram Cruiser Tank by the end of WW2, struck off charge by the Canadian Army in the UK and then acquired by the British Army, de-turreted and used as a Kangaroo after WW2 (Source: H. Spoelstra/MapleLeafUp).
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1: Front right view, on Rainham Marshes
Taken: 1985 (Estimated) Contributor: H. Spoelstra Photo ID: 9522 Added: 29 March 2014 Filename: kangar02... Views: 223 Select/Has Priority: 21/0
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