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(Model: Italian Service)

Caserma Salvatore Pisano, Capo Teulada, Italy

(Location: External Display)

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Sample Photo from Tank with UniqueID 1100

Unique ID: 1100
Added to Database: December 2009
Last Edited: December 2009
Type (ID): M47 Patton (1640)
Model (ID): Italian Service (1645)
Location Category (ID): Caserma Salvatore Pisano (5930)
Location (ID): External Display (5932)
Serial Number:
Registration: “?31433” or similar painted on upper nose.
Other Identification: “1011” on red/blue rectangular emblem and Italian flag on lower nose.
Collection Reference:
Links: Ferrea Mole
Ferrea Mole – lower photograph
Associated Tanks:

Location History:
(see map)

1: Detroit Tank Arsenal / TACOM, Warren, Macomb County, Michigan, USA (Primary manufacturer June 1951-November 1953)
2: Caserma Salvatore Pisano, Capo Teulada, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy (Current location)

This M47 is mounted on concrete ramps to the left of a road; in front of it is an ornamental rock pile. It is fitted with steel chevron track.

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