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KEY: Location markers are coloured from Green meaning exact to Red meaning gone or unknown (details here)

Number of Photos: 1
Sample Photo

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Location Category ID: 5135
Address: Via Ponte degli Speroni 1, 33057 Palmanova UD
Telephone: 0432928268
Opening Times:
Official Website:
Other Links: Genova Cavalleria
Street View
Latitude, Longitude: 45.90816658 , 13.32275748
Location Accuracy: 7
Tanks Previously Here:

Caserma Durli at Palmanova is home to the ‘Genova Cavalleria’ 4th Cavalry regiment. This unit is manned by volunteers and is composed of a regimental headquarters, one armoured squadron and a logistics support group. It commemorates 21st April each year, the anniversary of the Battle of Bricchetto of 1796 when it earned, uniquely in the history of the Italian military, two Gold Medals for Valour for the same action. During the Second World War the regiment operated in Yugoslavia, Albania and North Africa.


By 2008 these vehicles had passed to A.S.S.F.N. (‘Associazione per lo Studio e la Salvaguardia delle Fortificazioni del Nord est’), an association dedicated to preserve Second World War and Cold War fortifications in the north-east of Italy. It is believed that they will be restored; however their current status and location are unknown. (Source: M. Foti, N. Campolongo).

Location ID:5137
Latitude, Longitude:0, 0
Location Accuracy:0

1) L3/35 Tankette Italian

Number of Photos: 2
Sample Photo from Tank with UniqueID 1529

Click here or on the image for this tank's profile page

Unique ID: 1529
Serial Number:
Other Identification: Painted overall desert pink.

This L3 appears to be in poor condition and is missing some roadwheels.

2) Carro Centro Radio M15/42 Command Tank Italian

Number of Photos: 1
Sample Photo from Tank with UniqueID 1530

Click here or on the image for this tank's profile page

Unique ID: 1530
Serial Number:
Other Identification: Painted overall with brown stripes over desert sand.

This M15 appears to be in poor condition and is missing its hull machine-gun and main gun (the current gun and mantlet are fake) and other components, such as exhausts. This could indicate that it was once buried as part of a static defence line - there was a post-War defence line along the Tagliamento river that used old M13 series tanks in this way (source: M. Foti). It was previously displayed mounted on a stone ramp.