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Alkett was a subsidiary of Rheinmetall-Borsig AG founded in Berlin for the production of tanks and other weapons. It was involved in the manufacture, assembly or conversion of many different tanks and armoured vehicles. Special purpose vehicles included the Schwere Minenräumer and others. Alkett was the main producer of the Sturmgeschütz III assault gun (although the design parent was Daimler-Benz) beginning in February 1940. MIAG also participated in StuG production from February 1943 to March 1945; Daimler-Benz also started building them in 1943.
June 1943
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1: “Arms production, Sturmgeschütz III”, probably at A...
Taken: 21 June 1943 Contributor: Wikimedia Location Photo ID: 240 Added: 4 April 2010 Views: 2637 Has Priority: 0
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