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Ausf F
Ausf G
The StuH 42 Ausf G was identical to the StuG III Ausf G, even using the same mantlet but with a fatter barrel guide tube for the larger calibre howitzer. Early production vehicles were fitted with a double-baffle muzzle brake. All the changes introduced in the StuG III Ausf G were also incorporated into the StuH 42 Ausf G at the same time. These changes included the Saukopf mantlet, the coaxial machine-gun, the change in the loader’s hatches, the external remote controlled machine-gun, the Nahverteidigungswaffe, the cast cupola shield and the use of steel return rollers and Zimmerit. The 10.5cm StuH 42 L/28 was originally fitted with a muzzle-brake so that it could fire supercharge, but in 1944 it was ordered to be removed on future production. Where it was already fitted it was retained until it became unserviceable. If no other StuH 42 brake was available, then one from the leFH 18M or 18/40 was sometimes used. If there was no muzzle-brake fitted the gun could no longer fire supercharge. The Sturmhaubitze 42 saw service from early 1943 to 1945. Over one thousand were produced, accounting for approximately one ninth of total Sturmgeschütz III production.
1) U.S. Army Artillery Museum, Fort Sill, USA
here or on the image for this tank's profile page
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Painted overall in a sand, green and brown camouflage scheme.
This StuH was transferred from the Ordnance Museum at Aberdeen Proving Ground in November 2012 (source: Surviving StuG and StuH Register); it had previously been on show in the Display Park. In October 2013 it was being restored at the Fort Sill logistics paint shop.
2) Muzeum Orla Bialego, Skarżysko-Kamienna, Poland
here or on the image for this tank's profile page
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New entry. This is a wrecked and rusty chassis. It has been reported as being a StuH 42 and it certainly has a front bow shape, towing points, suspension and roadwheels characteristic of the base PzKpfw III chassis.