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Kubinka NIIBT Research Collection - Soviet Vehicles, Kubinka, Russia

(Location: Hall 1: Soviet Heavy Tanks)

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Sample Photo from Tank with UniqueID 352

Unique ID: 352
Added to Database: July 2008
Last Edited: July 2008
Type (ID): IS-2 (2800)
Model (ID): IS-2M (2806)
Location Category (ID): Kubinka NIIBT Research Collection - Soviet Vehicles (2100)
Location (ID): Hall 1: Soviet Heavy Tanks (2110)
Serial Number:
Other Identification: Collection number 107 painted on left turret side.
Collection Reference:
Associated Tanks:

Location History:
(see map)

1: Chelyabinskiy Traktornyy Zavod (ChTZ), Chelyabinsk, Chelyabinsk Oblast, Ekaterinburg and Surrounding Regions, Russia (Sole manufacturer)
2: Kubinka NIIBT Research Collection - Soviet Vehicles, Kubinka, Moscow Oblast, Russia (Current location)

Text in original Preserved Soviet Tanks publication:

[PTIR: #11]

Text in Preserved Soviet Tanks Update:

[No entry]

Text in original Preserved Tanks In Russia publication:

The Iosef Stalin tank was planned to replace the KV series and it was soon decided that even an 85mm gun would not be sufficient for it. Trials were conducted with experimental IS tanks, the IS-100 and IS-122, armed with 100mm and 122m guns. In November 1943 the IS-122 was demonstrated at Kubinka, Russia’s main armoured vehicle test site, in the proving ground that surrounds the army base. The first round fired at a range of 1,500 metres ripped through the frontal armour of a captured Panther and blasted out through the rear hull armour. Not surprisingly, the GKO ruled in favour of the design, and it entered production in December 1943 as the IS-2. This early model IS-2, an M-1943, has been upgraded to an IS-2M.

Images - Photographs and NavPix (click to expand or browse)

Date Unknown

Front right view
1: Front right view

Taken: Date Unknown
Contributor: T. Larkum
Photo ID: 400
Added: 22 July 2008
Filename: Scan_IS2...
Views: 218
Select/Has Priority: 4/0