MAP CONTROLS: Use slider or mousewheel to zoom, and hold down left mouse button
to drag.
KEY: Location markers are coloured from Green meaning exact to Red meaning
gone or unknown (details here)
Unique ID:
Added to Database:
27 December 2011
Last Edited:
22 March 2012
Type (ID):
A38 Valiant (3945)
Model (ID):
A38 Valiant (3945)
Location Category (ID):
The Tank Museum - Public Areas (3000)
Location (ID):
World War 2 (3010)
Serial Number: |
Pilot model.
Registration: |
Name: |
Other Identification: |
Plaque fitted on glacis. “MOS No 294/8/R/7641.” painted on nose.
Collection Reference: |
E1952.39. (Accession 3952, Entry 1952.1009).
Links: |
Museum Vehicle Record
References: |
Associated Tanks: |
Location History:
(see map) |
1: The Tank Museum - Public Areas, Bovington, Dorset, South West England, Britain (Current location)
Text in original Preserved British Tanks publication:
[No entry]
Text in Preserved British Tanks Update:
[No entry]
Text in original Preserved Tanks In Britain publication:
Vickers suggested a design in late 1943 for an improved version of the Valentine tank with a larger three-man turret and many other changes. Ruston and Hornsby completed this pilot model in 1944, made from mild steel (the plaque reads: “CAUTION UNARMOURED”). It was designated A38. Following unsuccessful trials the project was terminated in 1945. The pilot model was put on the museum books in 1952. It was on display in the museum car park for some years.
March 2011
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1: Front left view
Taken: 7 March 2011 Contributor: M. Foti Photo ID: 6849 Added: 18 March 2012 Filename: 55839675... Views: 147 Select/Has Priority: 21/0
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2: Front right view
Taken: 6 March 2011 Contributor: M. Foti Photo ID: 6848 Added: 18 March 2012 Filename: 55839626... Views: 182 Select/Has Priority: 21/0
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3: Front left view
Taken: 6 March 2011 Contributor: M. Foti Photo ID: 6850 Added: 18 March 2012 Filename: 55845483... Views: 146 Select/Has Priority: 21/0
October 2008
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4: Front right view
Taken: 27 October 2008 Contributor: T. Larkum Photo ID: 6331 Added: 27 December 2011 Filename: P1030843... Views: 158 Select/Has Priority: 21/0
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5: Right view
Taken: 27 October 2008 Contributor: T. Larkum Photo ID: 6332 Added: 27 December 2011 Filename: P1030841... Views: 164 Select/Has Priority: 21/0
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6: Rear right view
Taken: 27 October 2008 Contributor: T. Larkum Photo ID: 6333 Added: 27 December 2011 Filename: P1030842... Views: 228 Select/Has Priority: 21/0
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7: Rear left view
Taken: 27 October 2008 Contributor: T. Larkum Photo ID: 6334 Added: 27 December 2011 Filename: P1030846... Views: 246 Select/Has Priority: 21/0
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8: Left view
Taken: 27 October 2008 Contributor: T. Larkum Photo ID: 6335 Added: 27 December 2011 Filename: P1030845... Views: 204 Select/Has Priority: 21/0
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9: Close-up
Taken: 27 October 2008 Contributor: T. Larkum Photo ID: 6336 Added: 27 December 2011 Filename: P1030844... Views: 201 Select/Has Priority: 21/0
October 1982
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10: Front right view
Taken: 26 October 1982 Contributor: T. Larkum Photo ID: 6663 Added: 6 February 2012 Filename: Scan_A38... Views: 674 Select/Has Priority: 21/0
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