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Museo Storico dell'Arma di Cavalleria, Pinerolo, Italy

(Location: Museum Building)

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Sample Photo from Tank with UniqueID 1131

Unique ID: 1131
Added to Database: December 2009
Last Edited: December 2009
Type (ID): Carro Veloce L3 (5100)
Model (ID): L3/35 (5120)
Location Category (ID): Museo Storico dell'Arma di Cavalleria (5210)
Location (ID): Museum Building (5210)
Serial Number:
Registration: “RE2464” painted on nose.
Other Identification: Reggimento Artiglieria a Cavallo emblems painted on the superstructure sides. Painted overall sand yellow.
Collection Reference:
Links: Galleria Mezzi Blindati E Cingolati
Associated Tanks:

Location History:
(see map)

1: Fiat Ansaldo Company, Genova, Province of Genova, Liguria, Italy (Manufacturer)
2: Caserma Santa Barbara, Milano, Province of Milan, Lombardy, Italy (Estimated 1980s & 1990s)
3: Museo Storico dell'Arma di Cavalleria, Pinerolo, Turin, Piedmont, Italy (Current location)

Text in original Preserved Italian Tanks publication:

This L3 was housed at the Caserma Santa Barbara in Milan until recently, and was previously displayed in at least one exhibition in Milan during the 1990s when it carried a placard for the “Assoc. Arma di Cavalleria, Sezione di Milano”. It has twin FIAT 35 8mm MGs and appears to be in good condition. Its current status and location are unknown. (Sources: D. Guglielmi, M. Viucci).

Text in Preserved Italian Tanks Update:

[No entry]

Text in original Preserved Tanks In Italy publication:

This L3 was previously housed at the Caserma Santa Barbara (sources: D. Guglielmi, M. Viucci). It is believed that it had belonged to Lodi Cavalleria and when that regiment was disbanded it went to the museum (source: M. Foti).

Images - Photographs and NavPix (click to expand or browse)


Front left view
1: Front left view

Taken: 1994
Contributor: M. Viucci
Photo ID: 2593
Added: 16 January 2010
Filename: Scan_L3_...
Views: 376
Select/Has Priority: 21/0




Front right view
2: Front right view

Taken: 1990
Contributor: D. Guglielmi
Photo ID: 2594
Added: 16 January 2010
Filename: Scan_L3-...
Views: 288
Select/Has Priority: 21/0


Front view
3: Front view

Taken: 1990
Contributor: D. Guglielmi
Photo ID: 2595
Added: 16 January 2010
Filename: Scan_Cas...
Views: 260
Select/Has Priority: 21/0