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Text in original Preserved Italian Tanks publication:
[No entry]
Text in Preserved Italian Tanks Update:
[No entry]
Text in original Preserved Tanks In Italy publication:
This L3 has been beautifully restored and is in running order. It was recovered in Corsica, where it had been used as a tractor on a farm. The restoration began in 2000 and took 15 months of work to complete. (Source: M. Foti). Temeroli originally learned of this L3 during a telephone conversation in September 2000. Having determined that the report was genuine, and after a long sequence of negotiations by email, he travelled to Ajaccio in Corsica. There he first saw it, in a fenced enclosure surrounded by other rusty vehicles, converted to pull a plough. The rubber on its wheels was worn down, the armour was holed, and the engine was missing. The differential and transmission were encased in oil, sand and dirt. With some hesitation it was retrieved, and transported back to the mainland via Bastia. After assessment and planning the restoration began with complete dismantling. The hull was stripped and sandblasted, then welded and rebuilt. The differential, including clutch and gearbox, was dismantled. It was found that the gears were in good condition, but the bearings were poor and so replacements were found. The engine was also replaced, and eventually the meticulous restoration was completed. Since then this L3 has been displayed at a number of historical and re-enactment events in the Rimini area.
September 2004
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1: Front right view (taken at Parco Tematico dell'Aviaz...
Taken: September 2004 Contributor: S. Scarletti Photo ID: 2214 Added: 3 December 2009 Filename: Scan022_... Views: 290 Select/Has Priority: 21/0
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2: Front left view (taken at Parco Tematico dell'Aviazi...
Taken: September 2004 Contributor: S. Scarletti Photo ID: 2215 Added: 3 December 2009 Filename: Scan021_... Views: 271 Select/Has Priority: 21/0
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3: Rear right view (taken at Parco Tematico dell'Aviazi...
Taken: September 2004 Contributor: S. Scarletti Photo ID: 2216 Added: 3 December 2009 Filename: Scan019_... Views: 214 Select/Has Priority: 21/0
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4: Rear right view, on transport trailer (taken at Parco Te...
Taken: September 2004 Contributor: S. Scarletti Photo ID: 2217 Added: 3 December 2009 Filename: Scan020_... Views: 582 Select/Has Priority: 21/0
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