MAP CONTROLS: Use slider or mousewheel to zoom, and hold down left mouse button
to drag.
KEY: Location markers are coloured from Green meaning exact to Red meaning
gone or unknown (details here)
Unique ID:
Added to Database:
19 June 2012
Last Edited:
15 July 2012
Type (ID):
Leopard (400)
Model (ID):
Leopard 1-V (708)
Location Category (ID):
Cavaleriemuseum (11700)
Location (ID):
Building AJ / Storage (11706)
Serial Number: |
12259 (source: L. Delsing).
Registration: |
KU-92-58 (Dutch): “KU92-58” painted on nose and hull rear.
Name: |
“B-ARCO” (previously “Balthasar”) painted on turret sides.
Other Identification: |
“B3” painted on left glacis and right hull rear. Unit markings painted on mantlet sides and right side stowage box. “NL” painted on side stowage boxes and glacis. Painted overall in a green, brown and black camouflage scheme.
Collection Reference: |
Links: |
References: |
Associated Tanks: |
Location History:
(see map) |
1: Germany (Country of origin) 2: Stichting Nationaal Militair Museum, Soesterberg, Utrecht, The Netherlands (Not the museum but Du Moulin barracks – dates unknown) 3: Legerplaats, Seedorf, Rotenburg, Lower Saxony, Germany (Dates unknown) 4: Cavaleriemuseum, Bernhardkazerne, Amersfoort, Utrecht, The Netherlands (Current location)
New entry. This Leopard was previously at the Du Moulin barracks at Soesterberg. Then it was moved to Legerplaats Seedorf, Germany. It is painted in the markings of B Company, 101 Tank Battalion, tactical number “B03”. It is painted in a three colour camouflage scheme though the Dutch did not use this scheme on Leopards. The name is pronounced “Barco” which is short for a Bacardi rum – cola mix. (Source: L. Delsing/AFVNDB).
July 2010
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1: Front right view
Taken: 22 July 2010 Contributor: LKE Delsing Photo ID: 8205 Added: 14 July 2012 Filename: FR2_Leop... Views: 207 Select/Has Priority: 22/0
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2: Front right view
Taken: 22 July 2010 Contributor: LKE Delsing Photo ID: 8206 Added: 14 July 2012 Filename: FR_Leopa... Views: 440 Select/Has Priority: 22/0
April 2010
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3: Front view, photo by A. van Beem
Taken: 10 April 2010 Contributor: Wikimedia Photo ID: 8148 Added: 8 July 2012 Filename: Foto114_... Views: 228 Select/Has Priority: 22/0
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4: Front right view, photo by A. van Beem
Taken: 10 April 2010 Contributor: Wikimedia Photo ID: 8149 Added: 8 July 2012 Filename: Foto112_... Views: 193 Select/Has Priority: 22/0
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5: Front right view, photo by A. van Beem
Taken: 10 April 2010 Contributor: Wikimedia Photo ID: 8150 Added: 8 July 2012 Filename: Foto111_... Views: 147 Select/Has Priority: 22/0
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6: Front right view, photo by A. van Beem
Taken: 10 April 2010 Contributor: Wikimedia Photo ID: 8151 Added: 8 July 2012 Filename: Foto110_... Views: 121 Select/Has Priority: 22/0
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7: Front right view, photo by A. van Beem
Taken: 10 April 2010 Contributor: Wikimedia Photo ID: 8152 Added: 8 July 2012 Filename: Foto109_... Views: 139 Select/Has Priority: 22/0
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8: Right view, photo by A. van Beem
Taken: 10 April 2010 Contributor: Wikimedia Photo ID: 8153 Added: 8 July 2012 Filename: Foto108_... Views: 199 Select/Has Priority: 22/0
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9: Rear right view, photo by A. van Beem
Taken: 10 April 2010 Contributor: Wikimedia Photo ID: 8154 Added: 8 July 2012 Filename: Foto105_... Views: 178 Select/Has Priority: 22/0
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10: Rear right view, photo by A. van Beem
Taken: 10 April 2010 Contributor: Wikimedia Photo ID: 8155 Added: 8 July 2012 Filename: Foto107_... Views: 145 Select/Has Priority: 22/0
January 2010
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11: Front right view, photo by A. van Beem
Taken: 26 January 2010 Contributor: Wikimedia Photo ID: 8180 Added: 9 July 2012 Filename: pic3_Leo... Views: 206 Select/Has Priority: 22/0
December 1997
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12: Front left view
Taken: December 1997 Contributor: LKE Delsing Photo ID: 8084 Added: 19 June 2012 Filename: FL_Leopa... Views: 190 Select/Has Priority: 22/0
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