MAP CONTROLS: Use slider or mousewheel to zoom, and hold down left mouse button
to drag.
KEY: Location markers are coloured from Green meaning exact to Red meaning
gone or unknown (details here)
Unique ID:
Added to Database:
2 June 2011
Last Edited:
2 June 2011
Type (ID):
Gepard (410)
Model (ID):
Production Vehicles (740)
Location Category (ID):
Liberty Park Oorlogsmuseum (11400)
Location (ID):
Marshall Collection Hall (11404)
Serial Number: |
Registration: |
KU-80-04: “KU-80-04” painted on nose and hull rear.
Name: |
“ABACUS” painted on turret sides.
Other Identification: |
Collection Reference: |
Links: |
References: |
Associated Tanks: |
Location History:
(see map) |
1: Krauss-Maffei GmbH, Munich, Germany (Chassis manufacturer) 2: Liberty Park Oorlogsmuseum, Overloon, Boxmeer, Noord-Brabant, The Netherlands (Current location)
This is a Dutch Cheetah/PRTL variant.
July 2012
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1: Upper front right view
Taken: 6 July 2012 Contributor: M. Foti Photo ID: 8405 Added: 4 August 2012 Filename: 76784490... Views: 198 Select/Has Priority: 22/0
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2: Upper front view
Taken: 6 July 2012 Contributor: M. Foti Photo ID: 8406 Added: 4 August 2012 Filename: 76784606... Views: 180 Select/Has Priority: 22/0
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3: Front right view
Taken: 6 July 2012 Contributor: M. Foti Photo ID: 8407 Added: 4 August 2012 Filename: 76784143... Views: 175 Select/Has Priority: 22/0
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4: Front view
Taken: 6 July 2012 Contributor: M. Foti Photo ID: 8408 Added: 4 August 2012 Filename: 76784363... Views: 184 Select/Has Priority: 22/0
May 2011
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5: Upper front left view
Taken: 14 May 2011 Contributor: T. Larkum Photo ID: 5101 Added: 2 June 2011 Filename: IMG-5856... Views: 191 Select/Has Priority: 22/0
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6: Upper front right view
Taken: 14 May 2011 Contributor: T. Larkum Photo ID: 5102 Added: 2 June 2011 Filename: IMG-5855... Views: 189 Select/Has Priority: 22/0
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7: Upper rear right view
Taken: 14 May 2011 Contributor: T. Larkum Photo ID: 5103 Added: 2 June 2011 Filename: IMG-5854... Views: 189 Select/Has Priority: 22/0
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8: Upper rear left view
Taken: 14 May 2011 Contributor: T. Larkum Photo ID: 5104 Added: 2 June 2011 Filename: IMG-5857... Views: 175 Select/Has Priority: 22/0
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9: Front right view
Taken: 14 May 2011 Contributor: T. Larkum Photo ID: 5105 Added: 2 June 2011 Filename: IMG-5880... Views: 181 Select/Has Priority: 22/0
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10: Front view
Taken: 14 May 2011 Contributor: T. Larkum Photo ID: 5106 Added: 2 June 2011 Filename: IMG-5881... Views: 184 Select/Has Priority: 22/0
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11: Right view
Taken: 14 May 2011 Contributor: T. Larkum Photo ID: 5107 Added: 2 June 2011 Filename: IMG-5879... Views: 186 Select/Has Priority: 22/0
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12: Rear right view
Taken: 14 May 2011 Contributor: T. Larkum Photo ID: 5108 Added: 2 June 2011 Filename: IMG-5878... Views: 188 Select/Has Priority: 22/0
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