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Royal Dutch Army Museum, Delft, The Netherlands

(Location: Royal Dutch Army Museum)

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Sample Photo from Tank with UniqueID 2265

Unique ID: 2265
Added to Database: 22 April 2012
Last Edited: 22 April 2012
Type (ID): Type 97 Te-Ke (4300)
Model (ID): Type 97 Te-Ke (4300)
Location Category (ID): Royal Dutch Army Museum (11900)
Location (ID): Royal Dutch Army Museum (11900)
Serial Number:
Other Identification:
Collection Reference:
Associated Tanks:

Location History:
(see map)

1: Tokyo Gas and Electric Industry Company Limited, Hino, Tokyo, Japan (Secondary manufacturer 1937-42)
2: East Java, Indonesia (1947)
3: Royal Dutch Army Museum, Delft, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands (Current location)

After the Japanese surrender in August 1945, this vehicle was taken over by the newly formed Indonesian Army. During the fighting on East Java in 1947 it was captured from the Indonesia Army by troops of the Netherlands Marine Brigade in the first ‘Police Action’.
It is fitted with a non-original machine gun and is displayed in a camouflage paint scheme, along with mannequins representing the tank commander and some other Japanese soldiers.

Images - Photographs and NavPix (click to expand or browse)

Date Unknown

Front right view
1: Front right view

Taken: Date Unknown
Contributor: T. Larkum
Photo ID: 7444
Added: 22 April 2012
Filename: ScanFR_T...
Views: 160
Select/Has Priority: 21/0


Left view
2: Left view

Taken: Date Unknown
Contributor: T. Larkum
Photo ID: 7445
Added: 22 April 2012
Filename: ScanL_Ty...
Views: 175
Select/Has Priority: 21/0