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The Schneider company in Creusot-Loire diversified with the construction of new plants in Chalon-sur-Saône, Montchanin, and later Breuil. 1839 saw the beginning of the construction of steamboats in Chalon-sur-Saone, and the construction of a rail link between Le Creusot and the Canal workshops. In 1853 the production of bridges and steel structures started in Chalon-sur-Saone. The first submarines were built there in 1905, and naval construction continued until 1957. When in 1964 the ARE works took on manufacture of the AMX-30 for the French Army, responsibility for the production, marketing and export of the AMX-13 transferred from ARE to the Creusot-Loire works at Chalon-sur-Saône. The company also took on production of vehicles based on the chassis, and later offered refurbished Frency Army vehicles to overseas customers as well as upgrading vehicles to extend their service life. More recently Creusot-Loire has marketed the MARS 15 range of vehicles as replacements for the AMX-13 series. It later became part of GIAT Industries, now part of the Nexter group.