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Location Category ID: 28550
Opening Times:
Official Website: Il Sacrario Militare di El Alamein
Military Shrine of El Alamein
Other Links: Tour Egypt
Paolo Caccia Dominioni
Latitude, Longitude: 30.9013 , 28.83726
Location Accuracy: 9
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There is an Italian military shrine located near El Alamein. It is generally referred to as the ‘Italian Cemetery’ but actually consists of a shrine, a complex of memorial buildings, and a large mausoleum. This mausoleum is known as ‘Quota 33’ and consists of an octagonal tower tapering upwards from a large pavilion at its base. Inside are the remains of 5,200 Italian dead. The memorial buildings include an Ascari Libyan cemetery and mosque, an entrance porch and Court of Honour, and a small museum with memorabilia and information on the task of collecting the remains of the dead.
The shrine complex was designed by Paolo Caccia Dominioni, a former Italian engineer officer and a battalion commander during the fighting in Egypt. After the War he took on the task of recovering as many soldiers’ bodies from the desert as possible, regardless of their nationality, and despite the constant danger of mines. During 20 years many thousands of fallen soldiers were identified and received a proper burial due to his efforts.

1) Carro Armato M13/40 Tank Italian

Number of Photos: 3
Sample Photo from Tank with UniqueID 1156

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Unique ID: 1156
Serial Number:
Registration: “RE 3700” painted on nose.
Other Identification:

This tank has an original turret and superstructure but is missing most of its hull and all of its wheels, tracks and suspension; these have been replaced by a stone replica. A plaque is mounted in front of it that reads as follows:

Questo simulacro, con torretta e targa del carro M13 RE° 3700 realizzato inizialmente
da Paolo Caccia Dominioni, e stato ricostruito a cura del Commissariato Generale per le
Onoranze ai Caduti in Guerra.

Il carro era in forza alla 3^ ep. Dell’ XI tg. cr. Dell D. mot “TRIESTE”

Il suo equipaggio si immolo, il 10 luglio 1942, nell’attaco per la riconquista di Tell El
Eissa, la fatidica Q33.

Il Cap Vittorio BULGARELLI, Comandante la compagnia, cadde a Tell El Aqqaqir il 2
novembre successivo nell’ultima battaglia di El Alamein e riposa qui, nel Sacraria.

Il Maggiore Gabrielo VERRI, commandante del battagliano, Medagl a d’Argento al V.M.
“Sul campo”, fu a ena volta ferito e gravemente mutilato nella stessa battaglia.

Questa targa vuole rammentare nel tempo il cosciente ed eroico sacrificio di Comandanti
e Gregari ed onorane la memoria, con quella di tutti i Carristi del Deserto italiani.

Alamein, Deserto occidentale Egiziano

Ottobre 2003

This statue, with the turret and the M13 tank registration plate RE 3700, initially created
by Paolo Caccia Dominioni, was rebuilt with care by the Commisioner General for the
Honour of the Fallen in War.

The tank was in the forces of the 3rd troop of the XI Tank Battalion of the Trieste Division.

Its crew was sacrificed on 10 July 1942, in the attack for the recapture of Tell El
Eissa, the fateful Q33.

Captain Vittorio BULGARELLI, the company commander, fell at Tell El Aqqaqir on 2
November following the last battle of El Alamein and rests here, in the Shrine.

Major Gabrielo VERRI, the battle commander, Medal of Silver at V.M.
“In the field”, was at the same time badly wounded and maimed in the same battle.

This plaque will remember over time the conscious and heroic sacrifice of the officers
and ranks and honour their memory, with that of all Italian Desert Tankers.

Alamein, Eqyptian Western Desert

October 2003