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NTC and 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment Museum, Fort Irwin, San Bernardino County, California, USA

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Location Category ID: 54300
Added to Database: 23 September 2010
Last Edited: 26 September 2010
Address: Building 222, 1st Street, Fort Irwin, CA 92310 (Physical)
P.O. Box 105029, Fort Irwin, CA 932310 (Postal)
Telephone: 760-380-6607
Opening Times: 11:00am - 4:30pm, Monday - Friday
Official Website: Fort Irwin
NTC & 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment Museum
Other Links: Wikipedia: Fort Irwin
Wikipedia: 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment
Latitude, Longitude: 35.26047823 , -116.68793678
Location Accuracy: 7
Tanks Previously Here: 1: M47 Patton Tank - Rotary Centennial Park, Barstow, San Bernardino County, California, USA (Estimated 1990s)

[Incomplete Entry]
Fort Irwin and the National Training Center (NTC) is a major training area for the United States Military. Located in the Mojave Desert, the base is part of the Installation Management Command (IMCOM). The opposing force at the NTC is the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment, the Blackhorse Cavalry, who are stationed at the base to provide an enemy force to units on a training rotation at Fort Irwin.
In 1940, President Franklin D. Roosevelt established the Mojave Anti-Aircraft Range, a military reservation of approximately 1,000 square miles (3,000 square km). In 1942, it was renamed Camp Irwin, in honour of Major General George LeRoy Irwin, commander of the 57th Field Artillery Brigade during World War I, and it was subsumed into the Desert Training Center as one of its cantonment areas and some of its ranges. Two years later, Camp Irwin was deactivated and placed on surplus status. It reopened its gates in 1951 as the Armored Combat Training Area and served as a training centre for combat units during the Korean War. The post was designated a permanent installation on 1 August 1961 and renamed Fort Irwin. During the Vietnam build-up, many units, primarily artillery and engineer, trained and deployed from Fort Irwin.
In January 1971, the post was deactivated again and placed in maintenance status under the control of Fort MacArthur, Los Angeles, California. The California National Guard assumed full responsibility for the post in 1972 and until late 1980 used it as a training area. On 9 August 1979, the Department of the Army announced that Fort Irwin had been selected as the site for the National Training Center. With over 1000 square miles (2590 square km) for manoeuvre and ranges, an uncluttered electromagnetic spectrum, airspace restricted to military use, and its isolation from densely populated areas, Fort Irwin was an ideal site for this facility. The National Training Center was officially activated on 16 October 1980 and Fort Irwin returned to active status on 1 July 1981. The National Training Center and Fort Irwin now serves as the US Army’s premier training centre.
When William “Scott” Wallace became commanding General of the National Training Center in 1995, he instigated the creation of the NTC & 11th ACR Museum. The General had formerly served as the 55th Colonel of the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment when it was deactivated in Germany in 1994, and was acquainted with the 11th ACR Collection that had been exhibited at the Regimental Museum in Germany. The museum opened its doors in a temporary location, Regimental Dining Facility 2, on 5 May 1996. The museum moved to its present location in 1999 at another former Dining Facility, Building 222, located on First Street. The museum houses two storylines under one roof: the history of military presence since 1844 on what is present day Fort Irwin; and the history of the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment from 1901 to the present.

Location Images - Photographs and NavPix (click to expand or browse)

May 2007

National Training Center sign, Fort Irwin - USAF photo
1: National Training Center sign, Fort Irwin - USAF photo

Taken: 6 May 2007
Contributor: Wikimedia
Location Photo ID: 336
Added: 25 September 2010
Views: 209
Has Priority: 0