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Skansenie Rzeki Pilicy, Tomaszów Mazowiecki, Tomaszowski, Łódzkie, Poland

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Location Category ID: 16320
Added to Database: 19 May 2012
Last Edited: 19 May 2012
Address: ul. A. Frycza Modrzewskiego 9/11, 97-200 Tomaszów Mazowiecki
Telephone: (44) 723 00 03
Email: info [at] (Replace [at] with @)
Opening Times:
Official Website: Skansen Pilicy
Other Links:
Latitude, Longitude: 51.51527432 , 20.03091663
Location Accuracy: 7
Tanks Previously Here: Short term:
1: TKS Tankette - Kopczynskiego Collection, Łódź, Łódzka, Łódzkie, Poland (Re-enactment event September 2008)

The Skansenie Rzeki Pilicy (Pilica Open-Air Museum) was created in 2000 and is Poland’s first open-air museum dedicated to a river. Its aim is to create a living Heritage Park, a cultural space which covers the nature and history of the River Pilica. The most extensive exhibit is a flour mill that was moved with all its equipment from Kuźnica Żerechowska. The interior of the building is an exhibition on the traditions of water mills in the Pilica valley and includes a large number of old millstones.
The museum has an exhibition of ‘Pilica War Trophies’, mostly taken from the river and surrounding land. It includes the only surviving example of a prototype Luftwaffe SdKfz 8/DB 10 half-track that was recovered from the river in 1999, fifty-four years after it sank. It also includes a FAMO SdKfz 9 half-track. There is also a ‘Pilica Line Fortifications’ exhibit that includes reconstructed German trenches and a reinforced ‘Tobruk’ bunker.

Location Images - Photographs and NavPix (click to expand or browse)

December 2007

1: Entrance

Taken: 16 December 2007
Contributor: R. Gucwa
Location Photo ID: 753
Added: 19 May 2012
Views: 258
Has Priority: 0


2: Overview

Taken: 16 December 2007
Contributor: R. Gucwa
Location Photo ID: 754
Added: 19 May 2012
Views: 286
Has Priority: 0


SdKfz 8/DB 10 half-track
3: SdKfz 8/DB 10 half-track

Taken: 16 December 2007
Contributor: R. Gucwa
Location Photo ID: 755
Added: 19 May 2012
Views: 2565
Has Priority: 0

SdKfz 8/DB 10 half-track
4: SdKfz 8/DB 10 half-track

Taken: 16 December 2007
Contributor: R. Gucwa
Location Photo ID: 756
Added: 19 May 2012
Views: 3251
Has Priority: 0

SdKfz 8/DB 10 half-track
5: SdKfz 8/DB 10 half-track

Taken: 16 December 2007
Contributor: R. Gucwa
Location Photo ID: 757
Added: 19 May 2012
Views: 1319
Has Priority: 0