Preserved Tanks .com
World Register of Surviving Historic Armoured Vehicles
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M4A3 Sherman Tank
Veterans Memorial Museum, Huntsville, USA
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N. Baumgardner
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Preserved German Tanks 1: A7V to Panzer IV
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Preserved German Tanks 2: Panzer V Panther to Leopard 2
Preserved German Tanks 2: Update
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Preserved Tanks In Russia (with Jim Kinnear) Chapter 1: Kubinka
Preserved Tanks In Russia Update
Preserved Tanks In France Chapter 1: Normandy
Preserved Tanks In France Chapter 2: Saumur
Work in progress: Preserved Tanks in Switzerland
Work in progress (1984): Aberdeen Proving Ground, USA
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About has been created by Trevor Larkum of
Armour Archive
to provide information on preserved tanks around the world. It was initially built using the content from existing Armour Archive publications, including
Preserved German Tanks 1: A7V to Panzer IV
Preserved German Tanks 2: Panzer V Panther to Leopard 2
Preserved Tanks in France
Preserved Tanks in Russia
, and so on (these publications are available as paperback books from Armour Archive).
The first books to be put online were Preserved German Tanks Volumes 1 and 2 (see the links at the top). Then the first chapters of Preserved Tanks in Russia (covering the Kubinka and Moscow collections) and Preserved Tanks in France (covering Normandy and the Saumur armour museum) were added.
The site went online 8 June 2008. Since then a large number of tanks and collections have been added covering many countries of the world, including UK, USA, Canada, Netherlands, Brazil, Italy, and so on. This work is planned to continue until all preserved tanks (i.e. those no longer in military service) have been recorded.
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Monday, November 30, 2009
Preserved Tanks in England
It has been a busy few months for me, which ironically means the blog went rather quiet. I am working on a number of new areas of the website. Collection visits have included the Isle of Wight Tank Museum and the Dinscott collection, as I am now actively working on Preserved Tanks in England.
Here are some example links as a taster:
Preserved Tanks In Lincolnshire
Preserved Tanks In Wiltshire
admin at 11:59 PM |
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