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Number of Photos: 8
Sample Photo

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Location Category ID: 6040
Address: Boulevard Fabian Ware, 14400 BAYEUX
Telephone: +33 2 31 51 46 90
Email: bataillenormandie [at] (Replace [at] with @)
Opening Times: 1000-1230 and 1400-1800 (1/1-30/4 and 1/10-31/12)
0930-1830 (1/5-30/9)
Closed 25/12, 1/1 and 19/1-1/2
Official Website: Normandy Memoire
Other Links:
Latitude, Longitude: 49.27342589 , -0.71174026
Location Accuracy: 10
Tanks Previously Here:

Bayeux was the first town to be liberated in north-western Europe and its Musée Memorial de la Bataille de Normandie is concerned exclusively with the military and human history of the Normandie battle of 7 June to 22 August 1944. It is a relatively recently formed museum located in the Boulevard Fabian Ware in the south-west of Bayeux, in Calvados. Its exhibits include a 220m display of original documents, as well as numerous uniforms, and items of weaponry including military vehicles and small-arms. Some vehicles are on display outside the Museum; they can be seen and photographed at any time.

External Display Area

Location ID:6041
Latitude, Longitude:49.27322289, -0.71194947
Location Accuracy:10

1) Panzerjäger G13 Tank Destroyer German / Czech / Swiss

Number of Photos: 7
Sample Photo from Tank with UniqueID 255

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Unique ID: 255
Serial Number:
Other Identification:

This G13 has had its muzzle-brake removed. Since the first edition it has been mounted on a concrete ramp surrounded by a low hedge.

2) M4A1 Sherman Tank American

Number of Photos: 7
Sample Photo from Tank with UniqueID 982

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Unique ID: 982
Serial Number:
Registration: “USA 32221065” painted on hull sides.
Other Identification: “2∆67∆” and “D-11” painted on front and rear, Allied stars painted on hull and turret sides.

This Sherman is fitted with fake coaxial and hull machine-guns, and since the first edition a low hedge has been grown around the ramp on which it is mounted. It is fitted with ‘duckbill’ extended-end connectors on both tracks.
A plaque on the ramp states:


3) M10 Gun Motor Carriage American

Number of Photos: 7
Sample Photo from Tank with UniqueID 983

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Unique ID: 983
Serial Number: “1662” stamped into front and rear towing lugs.
Registration: “USA 12345678” painted on hull sides (obviously fictitious), previously “USA 40623102”.
Other Identification: “V602TD” and “D-9” painted on hull front and rear.

This M10 has a welded plate in place of its engine covers. It was purchased from the scrapyard of Pounds Shipowners and Shipbreakers Limited of Portsmouth, England. Since the first edition it has been mounted on a concrete ramp surrounded by a low hedge.

4) A22 Churchill Crocodile Flame-Throwing Tank British

Number of Photos: 7
Sample Photo from Tank with UniqueID 981

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Unique ID: 981
Serial Number: “VM8134”.
Registration: “T17325837” painted on sides, but has been reported to originally be “T32041B”.
Name: “ASHFORDER” painted on air intakes.
Other Identification:

The Crocodile was a flame throwing version introduced in 1943 and based on the Mark VII. It mounted a flame projector in place of the hull machine-gun and towed 400 gallons of flame fuel in a special trailer.
This Crocodile is missing its catwalks and engine louvers and does not have its fuel trailer. Its gun barrel shows evidence of having been cut in half, and not accurately rejoined. The tank was manufactured in September 1943. It was recovered from the compound of Pounds Shipowners and Shipbreakers Limited at Tipnor, Portsmouth, then cleaned and stripped of its badly rusted track guards and stowage boxes. It was transferred through Major General Brown of the Dulverton Trust. It was presented by Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher on behalf of the British nation to the inhabitants of Normandie. This was in commemoration of the Franco-British co-operation during the French liberation in 1944. Since the first edition it has been mounted on a concrete ramp surrounded by a low hedge.

Diorama: The Falaise Pocket

As well as the largely complete vehicles listed here, the nose section of a Panzerkampfwagen II is displayed in the same tableau as the Wespe and Flakpanzer.

Location ID:6043
Latitude, Longitude:49.27354839, -0.71121991
Location Accuracy:10

5) Wespe Self-Propelled Howitzer German

Number of Photos: 1
Sample Photo from Tank with UniqueID 98

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Unique ID: 98
Serial Number:
Other Identification:

This Wespe is displayed in a tableau with the museum’s Flakpanzer. It is displayed as an incomplete wreck, as though just after being destroyed. Its label states “This model was destroyed in the Falaise Pocket in August 1944”.

6) Flakpanzer 38(t) Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Gun German / Czech

Number of Photos: 3
Sample Photo from Tank with UniqueID 238

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Unique ID: 238
Serial Number:
Other Identification:

This Flakpanzer is displayed in a tableau with the museum’s Flakpanzer. It is displayed as a largely complete wreck, and appears to be in fairly good condition. Its label states “This particular vehicle, which belonged a prior to the 12th SS ‘Hitlerjugend’ Panzerdivision, was destroyed on 20th or 21st August 1944 near Saint-Lambert-sur-Dives. It was retrieved in Trun from a scrap-yard at the beginning of the 1980s, and was renovated by the museum team”.
This Flakpanzer was one of four discovered in the Trun scrapyard (q.v.). At least one of the others went to the Saumur Armour Museum (q.v.), and another one went to the Musée Automobiles de Normandie at Clères (q.v.). They were all in a very poor rusted condition when they were discovered.

Salle Montgomery

Location ID:6045
Latitude, Longitude:49.27354839, -0.71121991
Location Accuracy:10

7) Sexton Self-Propelled Gun Canadian

Number of Photos: 5
Sample Photo from Tank with UniqueID 984

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Unique ID: 984
Serial Number: The serial number on the rear plate is very difficult to decipher; it could be “76” or similar.
Registration: “S-233841” painted on sides.
Name: “RACLAWICE” painted on front.
Other Identification: “SERIAL 38050” painted on front.

Since the first edition this Sexton has been restored and put on display.